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Mint: Top Health Benefits

This post outlines everything you need to know about mint including its top health benefits and my favourite ways to enjoy it every single day!
Aug 16, 2024 | Joy McCarthy

I love the bounty and plant magic of Mama Earth. Sharing the healing benefits of herbs and spices such as cinnamonturmericmacagarlicgingerchaga, and Lion’s Mane is another way to educate and inspire you to incorporate these foods into your everyday routine to support joyous health.

Today I want to turn my focus to one of my favourite summer herbs: mint!

Vienna and I love adding fresh mint to our daily mocktails that we sip in the evenings to cool off after a hot summer’s day (we combine fresh mint from our garden with this beautifying iced tea). But this humble herb is so much more than a garnish or tea–it’s loaded with amazing health benefits, while also tasting so fresh and bright.

This post outlines everything you need to know about mint including its top health benefits and my favourite ways to enjoy it every single day!

What is mint?

Mint, or mentha, comes from the Lamiaceae family (the same one as another of my faves, lemon balm!) and there are estimates that up to 24 varieties of mint exist on the planet. This family of herbs is a perennial, meaning it comes back every year, and can be quite aggressive in its growth. That’s why we keep it contained in a large pot on our patio. The fragrance of mint is distinct and fresh thanks to the menthol–more on that later, though each type can have a distinct scent.

One way to know if you have a type of mint growing is that their stems are always square as opposed to rounded and they have leaves that grow in opposite pairs. Mint plants can grow up to 2 feet tall and if they are not regularly trimmed back they will sprout beautiful flowers from their tops.

When trimming your mint you’ll want to travel down the stem to a previous leaf set; there will likely be tiny little baby leaves sprouting there as well. Cut just above that set and watch your plant continue to grow more dense and lush. Do not cut off individual leaves as this will not lead to healthy plant growth down the line.

Top 6 Health Benefits of Mint

Now that we know more about mint and how to grow it, let's take a closer look at its amazing health benefits and how you can enjoy this fresh herb all year round.

cucumber watermelon salad

1. Rich in antioxidants

I love eating an anti-inflammatory diet to support joyous health and prevent inflammaging. Incorporating fresh herbs, such as mint, into my diet is a great way to boost antioxidant intake, while maximizing flavour! Rosmarinic acid is one of the most prevalent antioxidants found in plants of the mint family and it helps to lower oxidative stress and may even help reduce asthma symptoms!

Up you mint-ake by enjoying this fresh Watermelon & Cucumber Salad with mint on a hot summer’s day.

2. May help improve cold symptoms

Remember the menthol I mentioned earlier? Well some research indicates that consuming mint or supplements high in menthol when sick can help subjectively improve nasal breathing.

If you’re feeling stuffed up with a summer cold, brew up a cuppa fresh mint tea. Take one handful of fresh mint and muddle it at the bottom of your teapot. You can add a couple of slices of fresh crushed ginger for more flavour and health benefits. Boil water and let steep for 5 minutes and serve with raw honey!

3. Can help alleviate indigestion

One of the best known benefits of this herb is that it can help soothe indigestion and upset stomach. Indigestion often occurs when food sits too long in the stomach, which can lead to gas, bloating, and discomfort. While there are other causes to look at, studies have shown that taking peppermint oil with a meal can help speed up stomach emptying and decrease indigestion.

If you don’t want to take peppermint oil, enjoy snacking on my favourite Sweet Pea Hemp Dip with Mint to naturally support digestive health.

4. May help improve irritable bowel symptoms

In addition to helping alleviate indigestion and upset stomach, mint is also a common remedy for soothing IBS symptoms thanks to menthol. This organic compound helps to relax the muscles of the digestive tract, helping to decrease the symptoms such as spasms. While the studies tend to use peppermint oil capsules, incorporating mint regularly in your diet can help support your body’s natural digestive process.

Enjoy these digestive-loving Easy Homemade Burgers with mint for your next BBQ!

5. Can support healthy brain function

Not only does eating mint help your body find its natural equilibrium and increase your antioxidant intake, but inhaling this beautiful herb may also be good for your brain! This study found that inhaling peppermint oil helped increase alertness while decreasing fatigue, anxiety, and frustration. Another animal study found that the inhalation of peppermint had neuroprotective benefits in addition to increasing memory and learning.

While more research is needed, it doesn’t hurt to incorporate a little peppermint aromatherapy into your life. You can sip on a cuppa tea or enjoy breathing in the scent of peppermint in my Orange and Mint Baked Salmon recipe. The omega-3 fats in the salmon will give your brain another anti-inflammatory, antioxidant boost!

baked salmon

6. May alleviate allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergies can be so frustrating, especially when we’re trying to enjoy brighter days and more outdoor time! One of the ingredients in mint, rosmarinic acid, in addition to other flavonoids and plant compounds have anti-allergenic effects. While it often takes a larger dose than what we consume in our foods, I’m a firm believer that supporting our body long term with these types of compounds can have benefits down the line.

Peppermint chocolate smoothie

Make a batch of this fresh and delicious Quinoa Salad with Zucchini and Mint Pistachio Dressing or sip on this Peppermint Chocolate Smoothie to boost your nutrient intake and get a daily dose of mint!

I hope this article has inspired you to incorporate more amazing fresh mint into your life! It’s such an easy and abundant herb to grow that you can plant a little pot on your balcony or in your windowsill so you can enjoy it’s freshness for years to come.

Xo Joy

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