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Cauliflower Hummus

Hummus is such a great staple to keep on hand in your fridge. This grain-free, paleo, keto version is made with roasted cauliflower instead of chickpeas and it's so delicious!
Dec 27, 2018 | Joy McCarthy

I’m sure you’re not entirely surprised to learn that hummus is one of my favourite snacks. I mean, isn’t it a staple item in almost every nutritionist's fridge ? From time to time, I will buy it (my favourite brand is Sunflower Kitchen!) but when I have the time, I love to make my own because it’s super easy and there’s so many fun flavours you can make up like my Sweet Potato Hummus!

One minor downfall of hummus is that it can be problematic for some people due to one of the main ingredients in it – chickpeas!

Don’t get me wrong, chickpeas are a wonderful food. They are loaded with gut-loving fibre to promote optimal digestion (and happy poops !) and are also a great source of protein. But for many, they can be difficult to digest and contribute to gas and bloating . In that case, I would recommend to soak or sprout your chickpeas in advance to remove the oligosaccharides and anti-nutrients that can make them difficult to digest. Sprouting foods also help to increase the bioavailability of nutrients!

If chickpeas still cause you digestive troubles even after soaking or sprouting them, don’t worry – you can still enjoy your beloved hummus by making Cauliflower Hummus!

This recipe might be familiar to you if you participated in the Joyous Kitchen Challenge last January but it was such a hit, I wanted to share it with you all on the blog! By the way, for those that are interested in joining us for the Joyous Kitchen Challenge again, we will be running the second round of it starting on January 7th, 2019! It’s completely free and will contain two new recipes, along with all of the other incredibly informative information that will help you to completely makeover your fridge, freezer and kitchen cupboards to help promote positive health habits in the New Year! You can join here.


Instead of using chickpeas, you just have to use cauliflower which works in the same way as regular hummus by helping to thicken it up. The nutrient profile will be slightly different since cauliflower isn’t as rich in protein, but it comes with so many other amazing health benefits!

Health Benefits of Cauliflower:

  • Contains glucosinolates which are sulfur-containing compounds that are said to possibly lower the risk of cancer
  • Glucosinates also help to promote detoxification by stimulating phase ll liver enzymes that block free radical damage as well
  • Is a cruciferous vegetable which helps to support digestion and detoxification
  • Helps to balance hormones by eliminating excess estrogen from the body
  • Great source of vitamin K. Since vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, it’s important to enjoy it with a fat (perfect in this case, where the cauliflower will be blended up with healthy fats like olive oil and tahini!)
  • Also a great source of vitamin C which we know helps to boost the immune system by fighting off harmful bacteria, infections and common colds (a one-cup serving of cauliflower contains about 77% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C!)
  • Fights inflammation due to its rich antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties


You could serve up this Cauliflower Hummus with your favourite crackers, flatbread or veggie sticks. It’s such a great crowd-pleasing appetizer or snack and I can guarantee that no one will even know it contains cauliflower. Even Vienna loves it!

Cauliflower Hummus

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  • 1 medium cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil (for roasting cauliflower)
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • 1/4 - 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp water
  • Fresh parsley for garnish
  • Optional: 1 tsp curry powder
  1. Preheat oven to 350F degrees. Cover baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Chop cauliflower and spread evenly on baking sheet. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Sprinkle with curry powder if using.
  3. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until tender. A little bit of browning is fine, but be careful not to burn the cauliflower. If it's burning, turn down your oven and cook for longer.
  4. Let cauliflower slightly cool and then transfer to a food processor blender. Add garlic, tahini, lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil and blend. If you want a thinner/smoother consistency, add water.
  5. Just before serving, drizzle with some extra-virgin olive oil and garnish with fresh parsley.

I hope you love this recipe! If you want more dip-spiration (dip inspiration, hehe), check out some of my other recipes below:

Happy hummus-ing!

Joy xo

Janet   •   December 27, 2018

So do you recommend Tahini or Sunflower butter, or either/or or both? I wasn’t sure from the ingredient list. Thanks!

Joy McCarthy   •   December 27, 2018

Shauna   •   January 6, 2019

How long will this last in the fridge for?

Joy McCarthy   •   January 6, 2019

Kimberly   •   June 25, 2021

What is the carb content?

Joy McCarthy   •   June 26, 2021

Lynn Dyet   •   August 10, 2021

This is the best hummus ever!!! It is super scrumptious and I can't believe I made it and everyone loved it!! I also made the seedy crackers which no one believed I made. They thought store bought!!! Thank you!

Joy McCarthy   •   August 10, 2021

Jennifer   •   May 20, 2024

All these recipes look so good! But for rosacea I am trying to cleanse to start fresh to slowly introduce foods that may be a trigger. Almost all these have lemon or avocado eggs walnuts…. Please help me find recipes to start with!

Joy McCarthy   •   May 21, 2024

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