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Beauty Secrets: Blood Sugar Balance for Glowing Skin

Discover the secret to glowing skin by balancing your blood sugar. Learn how blood sugar spikes affect your skin, energy, and overall health, and explore practical tips to maintain a radiant, youthful complexion from the inside out.
Oct 16, 2024 | Joy McCarthy

I’ve talked a lot about ways to support your health and your natural glow, like balancing hormones, caring for perimenopausal skin, and sharing tips for glowing skin.

But there’s one fundamental practice that ties all these recommendations together—balancing your blood sugar.

If you’ve seen influencers sporting continuous glucose monitors (I've done it, twice) and wondered what the fuss is about, let me shed some light on why preventing blood sugar spikes and crashes is essential for overall health and radiant skin.

In this post, I’ll dive into the role of blood sugar, the immediate and long-term effects of imbalanced glucose, and why it’s so important to maintain steady levels for glowing skin and vibrant health!


What’s the Role of Blood Sugar?

Our cells need fuel, and one primary source is carbohydrates, or glucose. These sugar molecules help create energy, allowing us to function without feeling drained. However, just like our skin thrives on a balanced pH, our bodies also need the right amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Too little can cause symptoms like hypoglycemia, and too much can lead to issues like cravings and inflammation (which I’ll dive into soon).

Foods that affect blood sugar include anything with carbohydrates, from soda and sweets to fruits and starchy vegetables. But not all carbs are created equal! Generally, the more refined and lower in fiber, fat, and protein, the bigger the blood sugar spike. Typically, our bodies prefer to have no more than about 1 teaspoon (or 4 grams) of glucose circulating at any time. Considering that a single pumpkin spice latte can contain up to 50 grams of sugar, you can see why our body needs a system to clear that excess sugar! You need to slurp this one instead .

How Does Our Body Balance Blood Sugar?

Our bodies are equipped with an amazing system to process the foods we eat. From the moment something sweet touches your tongue, enzymes start breaking down sugars. When highly processed foods, like a donut or potato chips, are consumed, they move quickly through digestion and are absorbed in the small intestine, leading to a rapid blood sugar spike. This triggers the pancreas to release insulin, a hormone that shuttles glucose into our cells for energy or storage.

But if the cells and glycogen stores are full, the excess sugar is converted into fat by the liver.

If we consistently eat high-sugar meals without burning off the stored glycogen, our cells can become resistant to insulin. This means the body produces more and more insulin to clear the sugar, which can eventually lead to insulin resistance—a precursor to several health problems, including diabetes.

Additionally, eating meals that cause a big blood sugar spike can lead to crashes when the body overcompensates with insulin. This can leave you feeling:

  • Hangry
  • Cranky
  • Dizzy
  • Craving more food
  • Tired

If you’ve ever experienced that mid-afternoon slump or "hanger," chances are you’ve been on the blood sugar roller coaster!


Effects of Blood Sugar Spikes

Now, let’s dig deeper into what happens when your blood sugar spikes. When glucose levels rise, they can become toxic to our cells. These sugar molecules bind to proteins and form harmful compounds called Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). This can lead to stiffer cells, premature aging, and other long-term damage. 

In the short term, blood sugar spikes can cause:

  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating

The bigger concern comes with chronic blood sugar spikes and crashes, which can lead to more severe effects, like:

  • Increased inflammation
  • Decreased immune function
  • Premature skin aging
  • Insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Digestive issues
  • Blurry vision

These effects don’t just impact your health; they can also take a toll on your skin, reflecting in your complexion and energy levels.

My Takeaway

As someone who’s passionate about clean, organic skincare, I know that applying the best products can only do so much if your skin is being damaged from the inside. That’s why balancing blood sugar is crucial for a holistic approach to wellness and beauty.

I’ll be back with more tips on how to manage your blood sugar with diet and lifestyle changes, but for now, one simple way to help bring balance is to enjoy a warm cup of Pure Radiance Tea. It’s a soothing way to support your health from the inside out!


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