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Chickpea Almond Burger

This burger has a falafel-like consistency and it's packed with goodness. The fresh herbs, garlic and onions give it tons of flavour and the carrots make it moist.
Jul 19, 2022 | Joy McCarthy

Who doesn't love a good burger? Whether you're a meat-eater or vegan , this recipe is sure to become a favourite in your home. It has a falafel-like consistency and it's packed with goodness. The fresh herbs, garlic and onions give it tons of flavour and the carrots make it moist. No one likes a dry burger, ick!

Here's why this burger is oh-so-good-for-you!

Keeps you satisfied and controls appetite. In the latest research, a study showed that a specific fibre in garbanzo beans helped to control appetite and those participants ate fewer processed food snacks and ate less food overall when their diet was supplemented with garbanzo beans.


High in fibre. Chickpeas and lentils have shown to be heart-health friendly because of their high fibre content. Numerous research has shown a reduction in LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Provides food for your bacteria. 65-75% of the fibre found in garbanzo beans is insoluble, which remains undigested all the way down to the final segment of your large intestine (colon). This fibre can be metabolized by bacteria in the colon to produce relatively large amounts of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetic, propionic, and butyric acid.

These SCFAs provide fuel to the cells that line your intestinal wall which is significant for your gut health.

By supporting the energy needs of our intestinal cells, the SCFAs made from garbanzo fibres can help lower your risk of colon problems, including your risk of colon cancer.

Now there are more health benefits to this burger aside from just the chickpeas. The garlic, fresh herbs , ground almonds and carrots are true superfoods, but let's get to this recipe.

chickpea almond burger

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  • 1 can (425g/15oz) chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup almond flour or ground almonds
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseeds
  • 1/2 cup carrots, grated
  • 1/4 cup red onion, diced
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
  • 1 tsp ground cayenne or dried red hot chili flakes
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  1. Toss all ingredients into a food processor and blend into a paste. They will be sticky, which is exactly how you want them.
  2. Heat your grill to medium or feel free to pan sear them in 1 tbsp coconut oil on the stove top. If you're using a grill with a lid, they take about 5-6 minutes to grill.
  3. Enjoy with your favourite toppings like lettuce and tomato.


Makes 8 small patties. Try to get BPA-free Canned Chickpeas (if possible). If you only have whole almonds on hand, use a food processor to grind them up.

These can be made without eggs. You may need to add a little water to make up for the moisture loss when you remove the eggs.

If you plan on making this, be sure to tag @joyoushealth or #JoyousHealth over on Instagram as I always love seeing what you make!

Joy xo


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