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Ep. 67: Finding Your Optimal Potential Through Mindfulness with Yogi Shambu

This week, Joy and Walker are joined by Yogi Shambu in a wide ranging, engaging discussion on topics including mindfulness, meditation, ritual, and protecting BC's old growth forests.
Feb 22, 2022 | Joy McCarthy

This week, Joy and Walker are joined by Yogi Shambu in a wide ranging, engaging discussion. Shambu starts by sharing the role of ritual, meditation, and mindfulness practices to create a balanced life of optimal potential. From there, he shares his experiences as a member of the Rainforest Flying Squad, who are on the ground daily fighting to protect the last of BC’s old growth forests.

Shambu is a fascinating guest. He was born into an artist and healer community and exposed to a revolving door of people who expected more from life and human potential. These early life experiences led him down his path as an energetic healer. He helps his clients release energetic residues of past experiences to allow their present reality to come into clarity. He does this work through his own combination of energy healing, spiritual counsel, and yogic teachings.

Yogi Shambu BC Old Growth Forest Quote Joyous Health Podcast

In this episode they discuss

  • An easy way to bring mindfulness and ritual to your day.
  • The importance of meditation and mindfulness for self-intimacy.
  • How old growth forests are crucial for the environmental health of our planet.
  • Why we need to take action now to protect the ecosystems in our own communities.

Yogi Shambu shares actionable steps to create your own healing rituals throughout a busy day and valuable knowledge about the importance of old growth forests for ecological health. This episode is captivating and will inspire you to take action to balance your health so that you can share your energy with your great community.


Episode Highlights:

  • How Shambu’s early life influenced his passion for health, wellness, and spirituality.
  • The importance of augmenting the powerful parts of yourself that you’ve been gifted.
  • How meditation and mindfulness lead to intimacy with yourself and others.
  • Why you should know and accept the positive and not so loveable parts of yourself.
  • His journey from a death facilitator to his work with the church and spiritual presences.
  • How his experiences around death at a young age influenced his outlook on life and how he lives in the world.
  • The grounding practices he uses to protect his own energy when working with clients.
  • The influence of his uncle, who was a Swami, on his life and practices.
  • The daily rituals he practices to maintain balanced health.
  • The joy of doing breathing practices outside.
  • How he transitions out of work at the end of the day.
  • What he recommends for busy, stressed out folks to find help balance.
  • The power of short bursts of activity for self-regulation and maintaining momentum.
  • What is the Fairy Creek Blockade and why we should care about it.
  • How his love of superheroes inspired his environmental activism.
  • His experiences fighting for the environment in BC.
  • How clear-cutting old growth forests creates landslides, despite replanting efforts.
  • The lack of biodiversity in a replanted landscape.
  • The environmental impact of cutting down old growth forests.
  • Old growth forests sequester more CO2 per hectare than the Amazon.
  • The importance of species-at -risk laws to protect our ecosystem.
  • Finding the area in your community where you can help the environment.
  • How ecotourism can bring in more income to protected areas.

Yogi Shambu BC Old Growth Forest Quote Joyous Health Podcast


Yogi Shambu’s Website

Find Yogi Shambu on Facebook

Fairy Creek Blockade Website

Donate to the Fairy Creek Blockade


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