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Creamy Vanilla Cashew Milk

Making cashew milk at home is both cost-effective and super-yummy because you get to add whatever ingredients your heart desires!
Mar 10, 2022 | Joy McCarthy

Hello joyous reader, I'm excited to share a new recipe video with you!! You might have tried my homemade almond milk by now, if so, I hope you loved it and it's become a staple in your home rather than store-bought. I think that once most people make their own nut milks they realize just how much better it tastes.

Fortunately it's much healthier too because you probably aren't adding sodium chloride, carrageenan or any other preservatives or flavouring agents. Cashews are fast becoming a popular "nut" (although techincally they're not nuts; they're legumes!) to make into a milk.

You can't go into a juice bar these days without finding a cashew chocolate milk or cashew hemp milk for sale. Even though this is the preferred option to grocery store tetra-pak cashew milks, it will empty your wallet pretty quick if you drink it every day.

Making cashew milk at home is both cost-effective and super-yummy because you get to add whatever ingredients your heart desires!

I feel really good putting this nourishing creamy milk into bambina likes it too ;) My favourite ingredient to add to any nut milk is vanilla bean powder. Just be sure when purchasing this powder it does not have any additives or fillers. It's pretty common to see sugar added to vanilla bean powders and best avoided. You're sweet enough already!

I use Organic Traditions brand because it's made from certified organic vanilla bean, which means that it's totally pure. When you smell it, you'll know what I mean. It's also wonderful in baked goods too. I also added medjool dates (they were incredibly plump -- love that) because they add a natural sweetness to balance out the savoury "cashew-y" taste. Here's the recipe video and the recipe card below. Plus be sure to scroll right down so you find out the nutritional benefits of cashews.

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  • 1 cup raw cashews soaked for 4 hours in water, discard water after soaking
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • 2 medjol dates pitted
  • Optional: Pinch of pink rock salt
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender and give it a whirl till fully blended. Using a nut bag or wire mesh strainer, run the milk through to get any solid bits out. Give it a taste test. You may wish to add a dollop of maple syrup or coconut nectar to sweeten it up.
  2. I personally love it just with vanilla bean powder and dates.


Feel free to add one or all of the following to customize your perfect cashew milk flavour:

1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut butter
1 tbsp raw cacao powder (or more if you want to create a chocolate milk)

 Nutritional Highlights of Cashews:

  • Cashews have a lower fat content than most nuts, but what's even better is the type of fats found in cashews - the good fat.
  • The majority of the fats in cashews are heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Specifically, oleic acid, the same fat in extra-virgin olive oil that's notable for it's benefits for heart health.
  • Cashews have 98% of your daily requirement of copper, a mineral that's super important for iron utilization, eliminating free radicals, and developing bone and connective tissue.
  • Cashews are high in magnesium (Mg), which is nearly as important as calcium when it comes to building strong, healthy bones. Plus Mg is extremely nourishing to your nervous system. In North America, many individuals are totally stressed out and in need of Mg!!
  • People often avoid nuts because they're worried that their fat content will lead to weight gain, but studies show that people who eat nuts are actually less likely to gain weight.
  • Cashews are a great source of flavanols, the kind that inhibit the ability of cancer cells to divide and multiply.

I hope you love this recipe video and try out this simple and tasty cashew milk recipe. Let me know what you think in the comments section below. Have a joyous day!


Liz S.   •   June 11, 2015

I'm hooked on cashew milk lately, so of course I'm LOVING your recipe! Bookmarked.


Judy Hill   •   June 12, 2015

I do need to try this! sounds so good. BTW - You look amazing!! such a beautiful glow :-)


Jennifer   •   June 12, 2015

Hi joy! I was wondering if you could recommend the best cashews to buy. I am so excited to hear about book number two. You look fantastic!!

Joy McCarthy   •   June 13, 2015
Joy McCarthy   •   June 13, 2015

Charlene   •   June 13, 2015

I Joy! This is a great recipe :) How long will it keep in the fridge? Thanks and have a joyous day!


Carol L   •   June 14, 2015

I so want to try making the creamy cashew milk and the almond milk but I am going to need a better blender. Is your blender a blendtec. I know I will need good equipment to make yummy tasting food. Thx.

Joy McCarthy   •   June 15, 2015

Michelle   •   October 11, 2015

How long does this keep in the fridge before spoiling? Thanks!

Kate McDonald Walker   •   October 13, 2015

Bryna   •   December 12, 2015

My question: I love your recipe book Your almond milk makes my stomach hurt.. ( gas pain) Why?? What can I do differently as I use organic and healthful ingredients...?? You're amazing and you glow!!!!

Kate McDonald Walker   •   December 14, 2015

Jen   •   February 12, 2016

Where can you find vanilla bean powder in our neighborhood?


Ann   •   April 18, 2016

Hi Joy, I was wondering if you know where I could get some ground vanilla beans in Toronto? I am having a hard time finding any! Thanks :)

Heather Allen   •   April 18, 2016

Colleen   •   June 4, 2016

Thank you for all your recipes Joy . I loved the Chashew Milk , my first time trying this . Coll

Joy McCarthy   •   June 5, 2016

Sharon   •   June 25, 2016

I have been buying cashew and almond milk for 2 years now. I am looking forward to trying this homemade version. Thank you for your health information. I love learning more about eating and living healthy.

Heather Allen   •   June 27, 2016

healthynaturaldiet   •   December 19, 2022

This was FABULOUS!

Joy McCarthy   •   December 19, 2022

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